District Time may need a new home. The Washington, DC watch fair was held for the sixth time at the start of March, and its record attendance made the District Architecture Center feel more cramped than it has in the past.
Watch For the Art Deco Lover
The Art Deco era has cast a long shadow on designers, none more so than Patrick Bremer, founder of the microbrand Bremoir.
"BREMOIR as a brand, and this design, stands out and really delivers something new, fresh and special to the watch world."
"The Eastern literally received more
total compliments in a matter of a week than any other watch I’ve worn
has received over much longer spans of ownership."
Having previously designed their
Lexington [model] based on the Chrysler Building, Bremoir has a longstanding history of being inspired by the golden age of Art Deco. Now, with the release of their limited-edition Eastern model, we are seeing a truly
delightful interpretation of the [Eastern Columbia building], a Los Angeles landmark.
"This is a very, very handsome watch. It's really all about the design and I think that's what BREMOIR really nailed. I personally think this [Art Deco] aesthetic is gorgeous [and] there's something about this color combination that pops."
An everyday watch that looks back towards a very specific period of architecture and design is a nice break from the sea of modern divers that many smaller brands tend to gravitate towards.
BREMOIR, an American watchmicrobrandhas also been influenced by the Age of Art Deco in their debut watch, the Lexington.
Watch incredible close-ups in this incredibly detailed watch review from watch lover @timegear_funahira in Japan.
No microbrand embodies that [Art] Décoratifs style more than Bremoir, who found the bee’s knees with their first release, the Lexington, tastefully modeled after the 1920s captain-of-industry Chrysler Building.
It’s a genuine surprise that more brands haven’t adopted the Chrysler Building as their totem. In fact, Bremoir are really the only one, and their single debut watch, the Lexington – and I doubt we’d have needed to extoll the virtues of the Chrysler Building beforehand to see just how faithful the Lexington is to its Art Deco inspiration.
BREMOIRの創設者であるPatrick Bremerの楽しく元気なインタビュー。さまざまなメスカルをすすりながら、彼がレキシントンについて、そして新しく設立された時計会社であることがどのようなものかについて話しているのを聞いてください。
「全体的に、この時計は画像よりも洗練されていて豪華に見えます。文字盤は本当に素晴らしい色の組み合わせで、王冠の [デザイン] です... 私はそれが大好きです。針は時計のスタイルに合っています [そして]それは堅実な感じです。
Bremer の Bremoir に対するビジョンは、アール デコ、つまりアール デコの建築と建物にインスパイアされたネオクラシックなソーシャル ウォッチを作成することでした。
「[これは] かなり長い間 [時計] ブランドから見た中で、より優れた最初のリリースの 1 つです。」